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Itz very easy to defeat someone , but itz very hard to win someone.

Sorry Vegetarians We Can’T Pretend.
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If attitude kills…. I am the weapon of mass destruction…..
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I Am Hot Dude With A Cool Attitude.

I Forgive But Never Forgot.
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Fake People Have Image To Main. Real People Just Don’T Care.

Of Course, I Talk To Myself, Sometimes I Need Expert Advice.
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Your Attitude May Hurt Me But, Mine Can Kill You….
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I Don’t Have Attitude Problem I Just Have Personality..

It Does Not Do To Dwell On Dreams And Forget
To Live Remember That..
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I am not perfect, I am limited edition

Silence is my best reply for a fool like you.
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eXcuse me I found something under my shoes. Oh its your attitude.
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Weakness of Attitude becomes
Weakness of Character..

Your attitude is like a price tag, it shows how valuable you are.
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Don’t cry over money.
Money never cries for you..

I am a good enough person to FORGIVE you.
But not stupid enough to TRUST you again!
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Life Is Too Short. Don’T Waste It Removing Pen Drive Safely.
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Life Will Give You Exactly What You Need, Not What You Want.

In the beginning you’ll judge me, by the end, you’ll love me.
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If you do not like my attitude quit talking to me.

I am not heartless, I just learned how to use my heart LESS.
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Do not play with me! Because I know I Can PLAY Better Than You.
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I will be back with my same attitude.

The only disability in life is a bad attitude.
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Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude.

A healthy attitude is contagious but do not wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.
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Be sure what you want and be sure about yourself. Fashion is not just beauty, it is about good attitude. You have to believe in yourself and be strong.
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For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.
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One ship sails east, and another sails west, by the self-same winds that blow; ‘Tis the set of the sails, and not the gales, that determines the way they go.

The bottom line on attitude is that a good one helps to increase your possibilities. Pessimists usually get what they expect. So do optimists.
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Attitude is like chalk dust it gets on everything you touch.
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Possessing a great attitude is like having a secret weapon. All things being equal, attitude wins. All things not being equal, attitude still sometimes wins.

Attitude is the vanguard of your true self
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A kick butt attitude is like a breath of fresh air that will attract opportunities. A sour attitude is like bad breath that can clear a room in a heartbeat, repelling opportunities.

Attitude is the prophet of your future.
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Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.
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Your attitude colours every aspect of your life. It is like the mind’s paintbrush. It can paint everything in bright, vibrant colours–creating a masterpiece. Or it can make everything dark and dreary.

Smiling even in pressures and pain is not pretending it’s a strength from GOD that enables us to go on in spite of everything.
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Smile increases value of face. Anger spoils the beauty of soul. Faith is the force of life but Confidence is the companion of success.

Seeing is not enough; you have to feel what you photograph.
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Be yourself. I much prefer seeing something, even it is clumsy, and that does not look like somebody else’s work.
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It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter.

Since I am inarticulate, I express myself with images.
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Photographers mistake the emotion they feel while taking the photo as a judgment that the photograph is good.

If your photos are not good enough, then you are not close enough.
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Look into her eyes, not at her smile. A mouth can lie, eyes cannot.
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True beauty is not outer appearance, it’s located in the heart and soul, reflected in one’s eyes.

Only in the eyes of love you can find infinity.
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